A new Telegram based cryptocurrency called $CATS has launched.
They're offering free tokens to users based on their Telegram account age.
This might be another $NOT opportunity.
Don't miss an opportunity again to earn free crypto
A new Telegram based cryptocurrency called $CATS has launched.
They're offering free tokens to users based on their Telegram account age.
This might be another $NOT opportunity.
Can’t be more simple
Open CATS on Telegram
Let the program do its magic and see how much you got
🎉 I got 1,680 CATS but you will get a lot more if you are premium
Add CATS to your Telegram Folder Airdrops
💡As you might have many telegram channels for your airdrops in the next months, I suggest you create a folder in Telegram and add all your airdrops in it (See picture)
Invite friends
💡Share the app to your friends and you will definitely get rewards. + it’s that easy that it would be nonsense to not do it :-)
Now is the time to get kebab money
Go to the app, click on Airdrop and claim
💡 You will have to pay a fee of 0.2TON so it might not be worth it to do so. Also for me it took almost an hour to say that my fees were paid (I used Hot Wallet)